Complex Assemblies
Complex Assemblies
Kearflex manufactures complex assemblies that are based upon our capsule sub-assemblies. These are sold to our customers to allow efficient installation in the next level assembly. Advantages to this approach are a “turn-key” product where the capsule related problems are solved and specialty manufacturing is performed.
Customers can use these assemblies on a ship to stock basis with confidence that each unit is calibrated and interchangeable. Inspection and test activities, process fallout and specialty manufacturing efforts are all reduced.
Closed loop calibration feedback from our customers allows the performance characteristics of the assembly to be optimized providing the best results in the finished product. Annual and blanket contract arrangements allow for just in time delivery, as well as demand pull formats.
Reverse Engineering
These complex assemblies can be provided on a build to specification basis, but it is usually more practical to reverse engineer the product and adapt the design to known and active Kearflex practices and processes. This is applicable to end of life situations where internal or external vendors have ceased to exist, or abandoned products.
It is very common for there to be references to unavailable or inapplicable documents such as proprietary process instructions, obsolete engineering specifications and vendor specific test equipment procedures.
The design can be converted to use existing Kearflex processes for welding, brazing, soldering and external processes such as plating, and anodizing. A good portion of the designs can be qualified by similarity, as these adaptations are based upon flight qualified practices that are in active and continuous use with similar products.
It is worth noting that the legacy products of this type were all designed around the same time and used similar practices that differed with the particular manufacturer. The conversion to Kearflex practices represents a low design risk and a great deal of similarity to the original products.
Product Certification
Kearflex products are manufactured in an AS9100 registered facility and this supports a high level of product certification.
Raw materials are traceable from receipt to shipment.
External processes are performed at qualified vendors, and certifications are maintained. Were required, customer approved external services are used.
Special Processes
Special processes are qualified and validated on a regular basis.
Manufacturing Processes
Process control travelers, inspection and test procedures, packaging and preservation, and so on are customer and product specific to ensure requirements are met.
Compliance with controlled substances, country of origin, ROHS, mineral rights, export control and more are maintained as required by our customer orders.
Product Qualification
Kearflex also provided internal and third party testing for the qualification of new assembly part numbers. These usually include pressure limit exposure and cycle life testing. Also available are shock, vibration and thermal response tests.