Sample Fittings
The Kearflex single element diaphragms are based upon a standard set of outer trim diameters allowing a wide selection of designs that can be ordered with a short lead. Deflection rates and the mechanical envelope are varied to best fit the application.
The standard diaphragms are offset from the flange surface like a Texas hat. The offset dimension can be varied to best fit the next level assembly.
Following are some sample fitting outline drawings. This type of fitting is generally in stock, and can be used to build an evaluation assembly.
Kearflex will manipulate the diaphragms and the spacers to best meet the overall height desired by the customer. Where there is flexibility, we will suggest the most producible version of the product.
The Standard Diaphragms and Capsule Assemblies page offers design performance information and the basic dimensional data.
Sample Assembly
Input Fitting:
Bottom fitting - for pressure "input" to the capsule.
Separates the assembly cells and contributes to the overall height.
Output Fitting:
Top fitting - for the motion "output" of the assembly.
Deflect with pressure. The distance from the center button to the flange is the offset, and contributes to the height of the assembly.